Judge Sentenced for Employee Fraud | Sacks Law Group, APC
A California employer who believes that employee fraud may be threatening the financial stability of his or her business may find comfort in knowing that an experienced workers' compensation fraud attorney can provide valuable assistance.
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Former Judge Sentenced After Committing Employee Fraud

October 15, 2015
Sacks Law Group, APC
Workers' Compensation Defense

When California workers suffer workplace injuries, the workers’ compensation program is there to provide financial support. The insurance system typically covers medical expenses and a portion of lost wages. Unfortunately, some employees take advantage of the fact that this is a no-fault system, resulting in instances of employee fraud.

A criminal case in another state showed that even some white-collar professionals can submit to an opportunity to make easy money. This case involved a former judge who was accused of defrauding taxpayers when he claimed workers compensation benefits for fake injuries. In 2013, the judge claimed to have been struck over the head with the lid of a toilet seat, as well as being choked, as he was leaving the court.

His benefits claim was approved, and he reportedly received $41,477.20 in workers’ compensation benefits. At the jury trial, it was revealed that the judge never suffered the claimed injuries, and he was convicted on charges of insurance fraud and other crimes. During the recent sentencing hearing, full restitution of the amount of the benefit was paid. It was suggested that this may have been the reason the sentence that was handed down was only six months behind bars rather than the possible incarceration of up to seven years.

A California employer who believes that employee fraud may be threatening the financial stability of his or her business may find comfort in knowing that an experienced workers’ compensation fraud attorney can provide valuable assistance. An attorney who focuses on this field of the law will know what to look for to identify fraudulent claims. Furthermore, the attorney can advocate on behalf of a business victimized by fraudulent workers’ compensation claims.

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